Friday, February 29, 2008

Spring in Arizona--It's Hard to Get Anything Done

The temperature outside is a perfect 82 degrees and I'm working indoors. Am I insane?

I've begun the monumental task of organizing photos. I'm also taking an online PhotoElements class. One feature of the software is call Organizer. You guessed it--yet another way to organize, label, enjoy and share photos.

Most of our family photos are stored on my husband's computer. Until lately, John and I shared the one in our home office. I recently brought home my Shuttle from the shop. I love this little computer.

So now I walk over and load about 200 photos unto the 2gb thumb drive, then come over and download to my main drive. Then I label the them. Yikes, will I ever get done?

Then I'm thinking of buying that little device that allows you to turn your slides into digital photos. Another few thousand to work on.

I know that sooner or later I must get back to working on the shop interior.

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