Saturday, July 7, 2012

Co-op Anybody?

     After two meetings with consignment artists and downtown stakeholders, a tiered co-op model has emerged.   A final evening meeting with potential co-op members will be held during the week of July 9th to discuss it.  If you're interested in attending the meeting, let me know.  Feel free to forward comments to me if you're not able to attend.
    Please remember that the model below is for discussion only.  Your input is important.

Here are the main features.

                     Monthly Fee         Consignment Split                      Time Commitment

Tier 1             $125                            90/10                                      4 Hours/Month
Tier 2              $ 60                            70/30                                      4 Hours/Month
Tier 3              $ 35                            60/40                                      8 Hours/Month
Tier 4              $ 10                            50/50                                      8 Hours/Month

A non-refundable application/jury fee of $50 would apply.  With sufficient memberships, this model would allow for a 7-day operation of 8-10 hour days.  There would also be time for classes, demo's, receptions, trunk shows, guest shows, etc.  These additional functions would generate more revenue.


Ann Hovis Wallace said...
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Ann Hovis Wallace said...

Not able to attend planning meeting. I'm very interested in participating in an artists coop. I am a new resident of Gilbert since fall 2011, spending the winter in Gilbert and the other months in my state of Washington. Would like to be kept in the loop.